In a normal social engineering gig, usually our largest risk is ending up being embarrassed by not succeeding. What if the stakes where higher? What if failure meant jail time? That would be extreme social engineering. Join us as we talk with ex-FBI agent, author and defense attorney Dale Carson to answer these questions. Release Date 12 July 2010
You can download it direct:
Extreme Social Engineering – Defying Human Nature 011
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Show Notes

Lot’s going on this month. The How Strong is Your Schmooze contest at DEF CON 18 is really stirring the pot. Many companies are becoming very aware of the threats of social engineering, if only out of fear, it is still accomplishing its goal.
The dossiers are out and the social engineering hunt is on. We are not leaking any of the details so stayed tuned for more and join us in Capri Room 105 at DEF CON for the CTF.
Some other BIG NEWS about DEF CONfor us. We are hosting a LIVE Social-Engineer.Org Podcast on Sunday at 10am in Capri Room 105. This is going to be a huge project all about Social Engineering. We will be invited some from the community to ask intelligent questions on relevant topics such as: Neuro-Linguistic Hacking, Social Engineer, Microexpressions, NLP, Manipulation and more. If you have a question you want to present personally to us at DEF CON please email us at defcon@social-engineer.
Then around 12:00 noon we will be hosting a peer review. We will discuss openly and in discussion format what we learned about social engineering, vulnerabilities and methods from our CTF. You are gonna want to join us early for that because seats are REALLY LIMITED and DEF CON may limit how many we allow in. Email if you have questions.
Our podcast today is an interesting one. Extreme Social Engineering occurs when the risk of failure can mean life and death or prison time. These circumstances call for someone to be in complete control of their environment. Mr. Carson helps us to see the keys to effectively keeping yourself out of the sites of the cops and out of jail. His popular book Arrest Proof Yourself goes deep into how cops think, what body language should be used, magic words to keep you out of jail and much more. We will talk with Dale to see what we can learn as social engineers from his book and his many years of experience.
Please make sure to check out muts new leet exploit
See you at DEF CON. Be ready for the new SET release!!!
This podcast is sponsored by muts new leet exploit. Make sure to check it out.
The Team at Social Engineer is very appreciative of all the support we get from Offensive Security.
This episode is sponsored by Spy Associates.
Thank you to the EFF which continually supports and helps us.
We want to thank CWC Continuum Worldwide for their financial support in the upcoming Social Engineering CTF
Also be sure to give a thank you to George Starcher as he really helped us perfect the sound for the podcast.
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