Welcome to the Social-Engineer Podcast: The Doctor Is In Series – where we discuss understandings and developments in the field of psychology.
In today’s episode, Chris and Abbie discuss: Information Elicitation. Find out what it is, why it’s so important to use ‘science-based interviewing’, and why approaches that encourage cooperation are better than manipulation of information retrieval. [Feb 6, 2023]
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Show Notes

Welcome to the Social-Engineer Podcast: The Doctor Is In Series – where we discuss understandings and developments in the field of psychology.
In today’s episode, Chris and Abbie discuss: Information Elicitation. Find out what it is, why it’s so important to use ‘science-based interviewing’, and why approaches that encourage cooperation are better than manipulation of information retrieval. [Feb 6, 2023]
00:00 – Intro
00:20 – Dr. Abbie Maroño Intro
00:54 – Intro Links
- Social-Engineer.com - http://www.social-engineer.com/
- Managed Voice Phishing - https://www.social-engineer.com/services/vishing-service/
- Managed Email Phishing - https://www.social-engineer.com/services/se-phishing-service/
- Adversarial Simulations - https://www.social-engineer.com/services/social-engineering-penetration-test/
- Social-Engineer channel on SLACK - https://social-engineering-hq.slack.com/ssb
- CLUTCH - http://www.pro-rock.com/
- innocentlivesfoundation.org - http://www.innocentlivesfoundation.org/
03:58 – The Topic of the Day: Information Elicitation
05:41 – How does your scientific research affect practitioners?
06:47 – Start with the Brain
07:32 – Elicitation: A Scientific Definition
09:36 – Weaponizing Elicitation
11:17 – It’s Easier Than You Think
13:40 – The Perils of Poker Face
16:41 – Being on the Defensive
19:17 – Me, You, and Us
21:28 – The Verbal Approaches
25:16 – Collaboration is Key!
30:37 – An Effective Approach: Subliminal Priming
32:00 – “They’ll Become What They’re Called”
33:33 – This Applies to Life
35:07 – Make it Conversational
36:56 – The Scharff Technique
40:48 – Forensic vs Clinical
43:23 – Last Week on “24”
45:01 – Tips for the Boss: Shame Doesn’t Work
49:41 – This is the Hardest Part
51:46 – Wrap Up & Outro
Find us online:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/abbiejmarono
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dr-abbie-maroño-phd-35ab2611a
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/humanhacker
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/christopherhadnagy
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