The topic for this month is NLP and Manipulation. Join us as we reveal some of the secrets that are widely used in marketing. Social engineering tactics, NLP secrets and manipulation strategies are now unmasked. We join forces with NLP and SE Expert Brad Smith to discuss these hot topics. Release Date 11 January 2010
You can download it direct:
NLP, SE and Manipulation Secrets Revealed 004
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Show Notes

This month we had a very special round table discussion with NLP and SE Genius, as well as contributor, Brad Smith. We discussed the many tactics and secrets that marketers and sales people use to make us part with our cash. These “secrets” are now revealed with full details as well as practical tips on how we can practice and use these skills in our social engineering audits.
Here are some of the topics we discussed and special podcast notes:
- We talked about the latest update to the S.E.T Tool. With amazing new features, if you haven’t already, check it out now!
- NLP has a very interesting history and Brad introduces us to some of it
- We talk about some of the items in our latest Newsletter like redirection and agreement framing
- Listen as Brad talks about how he will be stealing our wives – DO NOT BRING YOUR WOMEN AROUND BRAD 🙂 (love ya man)
- We talk extensively about how Pepsi and Coke reframed themselves
- Have you read the book Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell? If not Brad says it can change the way you think about Framing
- We then discuss many aspects of Framing and how it applies to SE and NLP in marketing
- Have you ever noticed that 99% of the ad’s that involve watches have the hands at 10 and 2? Why? It closely mimics a face smiling at you. Don’t believe us check this out?
- Need a great NLP Reference? Salad out of the UK is a recommended site from Brad to learn all about NLP.
- Next we discuss a very interesting study in how NLP is being used to help people quit smoking and cure anxiety. Amazing articles, check them out
- We finish up with a really intense discussion about The Human Buffer Overflow.
This is one for the record books and we hope you enjoy this podcast as it is the first of many to come.
This is the first of many discussions we will be having on this deep and amazing topic.
This episode is sponsored by Spy Associates.
Of Course, we can’t thank Offensive Security enough for all of their help in making this happen.
Plugs and What’s New
We started a nice archive of our newsletters and we will be adding to it with articles we have printed by other sources. Sign up to get it early via email by going to our Newsletter page for more info, or check out the archives at that page.
Spy Associates a sent us a neat little video recorder/dvr to review this month. This device is a very high end video recorder that works off straight recording or based on the volume. Check out this device on the Spy Associates site Mini Cam Recorder.