PLEASE NOTE: This guest has asked to have any instances of his voice or face removed from the Internet. Show notes are here and can stay but for now we have removed the content based on his wishes. Thank you for understanding.****
There are a few guests that we have had on multiple times and yet continue to excite and entertain us. This month we invite back the amazing Michael Bazzell to discuss OSINT, Security and parenting tips. March 12, 2018
Ep. 103 – How To Be A Good Parent With Michael Bazzell
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Show Notes

Michael Bazzell spent 18 years as a government computer crime investigator. During the majority of that time, he was assigned to the FBI’s Cyber Crimes Task Force where he focused on open source intelligence, hacking cases, and personal data removal methods. As an active investigator for multiple organizations, he has been involved in numerous high-tech criminal investigations including online child solicitation, child abduction, kidnapping, cold-case homicide, terrorist threats, and high level computer intrusions. He has trained thousands of individuals in the use of his investigative techniques and privacy control strategies.
This month Michael talks about:
- Some actionable OSINT tips you can use now!
- His new book that you must read
- Tips on parenting, that we doubt you will want to follow
- His VM operating system that contains so many tools it could make an OSINT’er drool
- So much more….
Make sure to check out his Twitter Account: inteltechniques and his podcast The Complete Privacy & Security Podcast
Micahel’s new book: Open Source Intelligence Techniques: Resources for Searching and Analyzing Online Information is a must read and he recommends our listeners check out: Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
We know you will enjoy this episode!