Becoming a Successful Elicitor

Becoming a successful elicitor, in other words, "How to be a great communicator". Steps To Success The steps to becoming a great elicitor may seem simplistic, but initiating these on the fly is not so easy, especially without notes and to make it seem natural. To become a successful elicitor it’s crucial to understand how to communicate with people. You must learn to be adaptive,…

The SEORG Book List

Welcome to the SEORG Book List! This list is updated with referrals from our monthly Podcast. Discover what some of the leading experts in security and psychology are reading. Purchase on Amazon by clicking the image.   The Latest Referrals! From SEPodcast 137 — Human Hacking with Chris Hadnagy Chris recommends: Without Conscience: The Disturbing Worlds of the Psychopaths Among Us…

Episode 037: “Trust Me I’m Lying” an Interview with Ryan Holiday Media Manipulation.  What Is it?  How does it work?  Can you really make people see, buy and read things they may not normally read, buy or see? Ryan is an experienced and very talented media manipulator.  Date Sept 10, 2012 Download Episode 037 - Trust Me I'm Lying an Interview with Ryan Holiday. Our new poll will be part of a study in trust.…

Spearing the biggest phish

One of the major things our Social Engineering Capture the Flag events highlight is the rampant leaking of information by the very companies themselves. Defcon 19 showed us that a full-scale social engineering attacks could be carried out by simply using Open Source Information (OSI) freely available on the internet, most of which came from the companies themselves. We saw postings of access…

The Power of Nonsexual Touch

Often when we think about social engineering we think about manipulating individuals by speaking to them. We think of talking the call center employee into doing our bidding or posing as a delivery representative and talking our way onto the facilities. We rely on our eyes and ears as we navigate the world but we often forget about, or don’t give enough credit to, the power of nonsexual touch.…

Analysis of the Lower Merion School District Remote Monitoring of Students

Simply typing “Lower Merion County WebCam” into Google brings back 35,000 websites and “Lower Merion County” 185,000. This is no small news story. Yet, the focus of many is on the ability the IS department had to take unsolicited and private pictures of minors/students in their homes using school issued laptops. On February 16th, 2010 a civil suit was brought against the Lower Merion PA school…