The Human Hacking Conference

Human Hacking – it’s not what you think Do you want to understand fully how you can best influence and persuade others? Do you find yourself challenged by interactions with others? Do you feel stuck? In your career, in your life, in your close relationships? Human Hacking Conference Attendees Improve Their Lives Through Learning: How trust and rapport can enhance every…


The Human Hacking Conference Find Out More SEVillage at DEF Con Find Out More

Combating the Insider Threat Among Us

Security can be a difficult topic to talk about. This is especially true for organizations combating insider threats. Can social deduction games break the ice? Recently a game called “Among Us” garnered mass popularity across the internet. It’s especially popular among streamers and on video platforms like Twitch and YouTube. The description from the developers tells us to “Join your crewmates in…

In the Name of Psychology

Is there any task a supercomputer shouldn’t try? After all, the three-pound, four-lobed one in our heads contains about one hundred billion neurons and runs all the systems that comprise our bodies. It’s responsible for every thought, move, perception, judgement and calculation you make. Our brains take in data and process it, which is then made usable by way of knowledge. So, is there anything…

COVID-19 and Amygdala Hijacking in Cybersecurity Scams

What races through your mind when you see “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19?” Fear, anxiety, curiosity… these internal reactions can prompt actions that we may not normally take. Recent attacks have been sending out mandatory meeting invites that ask you to log in to accounts. Others have been receiving emails to put themselves on a waiting list for a vaccine or treatment. The heightened emotions we…

Ethical Hackers: Filling a Vital Role in Society

When you hear the words “hackers” or “hacking,” what comes to mind? Do you picture faceless people in hoodies, or Guy Fawkes masks? Or maybe bank robbers wearing gloves hiding in dark basements behind glowing laptops as they wreak havoc on governments, businesses, and healthcare systems? If you do, you're not alone. Unfortunately, that's probably what most people imagine due to the bizarre…

Romance Scams: Stealing Hearts & Money

Romance scams are in the news in a big way. Recently, the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged a New Jersey man for his role in an online romance scam that defrauded more than 30 victims out of millions of dollars. In addition, the DOJ charged a gang of 80 criminals with stealing millions of dollars through online romance and business email compromise scams. Sadly, one of this gang’s victims is…

Lookout for Tax Scams

For most of us tax season is an anxious time. Indeed, criminals are eager to take advantage of our anxiety. And, as we know, the April 15th filing deadline date just a week away. With this is view, it’s important to stay vigilant and be on the lookout for tax scams. In fact, according to the “Dirty Dozen” list published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), phishing and vishing continue to…