Spies and Espionage

Espionage, commonly known as spying, is the practice of secretly gathering information about a foreign government or a competing industry, with the objective of placing one's own government or corporation at a strategic or financial advantage. However, espionage is not synonymous with all intelligence-gathering disciplines.  Codebreaking (cryptanalysis or COMINT), aircraft or satellite…

Penetration Testers

NOTICE: The information in this article is for penetration testers to use during a professional pen testing audit ONLY and not for illegal purposes. Each reader will need to be aware of their locations and legal boundaries in regards to the tactics mentioned within. Penetration testing (also called pen testing) is the practice of testing a computer system, network, web application or onsite…

The Onion Gets Hacked

The Onion, the Internet’s favorite parody news site, was recently the victim of a hack that compromised their corporate Google Accounts as well as their Twitter accounts. They were hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA).  They’re the group that hacked into the AP Twitter account and announced that two bombs went off in the White House injuring President Obama.  This news sent the DOW…

The Secret To Chinese Hackers Success

It seems that it is hard to turn on the news without hearing another report about Chinese Hackers. According to some reports, the Chinese have shown time and time again that they are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to cyber warfare. Recent investigations have shown that, perhaps, the Chinese Army is even responsible for many government and corporate secrets being siphoned from U.S.…

Etsy – You Are What You Buy

You would think after the past years scandals with Facebook, blippy, and other various social media snafus that the industry would start to get wise and be more careful about what personal information of their users they release online.  This is a long term problem however, for instance a couple years ago Sophos did a research study that found over 41% of the people they surveyed easily and…

Should You Trust Your Intuition?

Would you hire an employee based solely on Intuition? Probably not. You would consider factors such as their education and previous work experience. But what if a candidate looks great on paper, answers all the right questions during the interview yet you have a gut feeling that they won’t be a good fit for your team? Would you ignore that feeling and still hire them? That’s where intuition comes…

Be Prepared for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

As your alarm goes off you roll over and pick up your phone. Turning the alarm off, you check your notifications on your phone. For many, the above scenario is extremely familiar. Not only is it familiar, but it’s routine. Phones, computers, and other technology have become an integral part of many people's lives. This is just one reason why we have an entire month devoted to internet awareness…

Change Resistance and Cybersecurity

Possibly one of the most concerning, yet common, phrases you could hear a leader say is, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” On the surface this thinking makes sense, if something already works then why mess with it. But, if we go below surface level, what we are really seeing is change resistance. The problem here is that the cybersecurity landscape is dynamic and ever-changing, meaning that the…