How Bad Actors Exploit World Tragedy

The world is no stranger to tragedy. From natural disasters to global pandemics and geopolitical conflicts, we have all witnessed events that shake us to our core. Unfortunately, in the midst of these crises, there are those who seek to exploit our emotions and vulnerabilities for their own gain. Malicious actors and scammers, commonly referred to as "bad actors," are adept at seizing the…

Impersonation Scams: Why Are They So Dangerous?

At Social-Engineer, we define impersonation as “the practice of pretexting as another person with the goal of obtaining information or access to a person, company, or computer system.” In today's digitally driven world, impersonation scams have become a growing concern, leaving countless individuals and organizations vulnerable to financial loss, identity theft, and reputational damage.…

Ep. 160 – Security Awareness Series – Go To The Source So There’s No Remorse with Adam Levin (Original Air Date: 12/20/2021)

This month, Adam Levin joins hosts Chris Hadnagy and Ryan MacDougall. Adam is a nationally recognized expert on cybersecurity, privacy, identity theft, fraud, and personal finance. He has distinguished himself as a fierce consumer advocate for the past 50 years. Adam is the former Director of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, and currently is the founder of CyberScout and co-founder of…

Ep. 160 – Security Awareness Series – Go To The Source So There’s No Remorse with Adam Levin This month, Adam Levin joins Chris Hadnagy and Ryan MacDougall. Adam is a nationally recognized expert on cybersecurity, privacy, identity theft, fraud, and personal finance. He has distinguished himself as a fierce consumer advocate for the past 50 years. Adam is the former Director of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, and…

The Impact of COVID-19 on Security

The pandemic changed our lives and society in so many ways. As a result of COVID-19, most of us now work, go to school, worship, have medical appointments, attend funerals and weddings, and socialize, all online. If the stress of a global pandemic was not bad enough, criminals sought ways to profit from these unprecedented changes to our lives. Cyber-based crimes increased to levels never…

Lookout for Tax Scams

For most of us tax season is an anxious time. Indeed, criminals are eager to take advantage of our anxiety. And, as we know, the April 15th filing deadline date just a week away. With this is view, it’s important to stay vigilant and be on the lookout for tax scams. In fact, according to the “Dirty Dozen” list published by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), phishing and vishing continue to…

Social-Engineer Newsletter Vol 09 – Issue 114

Smile, Facial Recognition in Use At a sporting event kiosk, you stand there watching rehearsal clips of a singer that will be performing at the half time show. What would you say if I told you that a facial-recognition camera inside the display was taking your photos and cross-referencing them with a database of the performer’s known stalkers? After reading about this happening to many attendees…

Social-Engineer Newsletter Vol 08 – Issue 111

Cyber Threats:  Are You Trained to Deal With Them? As every year passes, the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve and along with that, the need for cyber security awareness training to deal with them increases. This past year was no different. The change is that ransomware declined, crypto-mining has risen, and 92 percent of malware was delivered by email, according to a CSO article. It…