Social-Engineer Newsletter – Volume 4 Issue 41

Talk to Strangers- Part 1: The Approach Chris Hadnagy’s book, Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking defines social engineering as any act of influencing a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest. This may include obtaining information, gaining access, or getting the target to take certain action. It may also include positive forms of communication such as…

Real Life and the Application of Social Engineering Part IV

First off, after the last portion, I can hear the cries of “B.S.” from my desk all the way down here in San Antonio. Never fear doubters, I kept everything.. Check stubs, awards, bank statements, and even customer character statements for a situation that you will hear more about in this part of the series. Enjoy this second to last installment of the story. As I worked on being everyone’s…

Social-Engineer Newsletter – Volume 3 Issue 37

Stereotype Priming In this month's newsletter, we continue to explore the topic of Priming. We will look at the effect Priming has on stereotypes and how Priming can directly influence us (and others) to behave in a certain way. We will show that by activating certain stereotypes, we can get people to act in line with other stereotypes pertaining to the same object. Priming is exposing your…

Innocence of the Media

   By now, you are all familiar with “The Innocence of Muslims”, an amateur “film” produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, that has sparked rioting and perhaps death around the globe. The film, directed by Alan Roberts, a pornography director, originally opened in a rented theater in Hollywood, CA on June 23, 2012 for an audience of about ten people. Trailers and excerpts were uploaded to…

Social-Engineer Newsletter – Volume 3 Issue 35

Priming: For Better or Worse Last month, Chris Hadnagy’s newsletter article explored how a person’s abilities can be increased by merely adorning one’s self with a jacket believed to be a jacket belonging to a doctor. This month, we will take that idea a step further, deeper into the world of Priming. For those of you unfamiliar with the topic of Priming, I recommend you read my article, “A…

Social Engineer Newsletter – Volume 3 Issue 31

Social Engineering Updates We are taking a brief break from the standard SEORG newsletter for this month to spend a few moments filling you in on all the different things happening in the world of Social-Engineer.Org and Com. Training If you have been living under a rock and have not heard, the crew at Social-Engineer launched its first Social Engineering for Penetration Testers course in…

Social Engineer Newsletter – Volume 2 Issue 27

Virus Propagation via Social Engineering Malware will always be a security issue despite how much security engineers are looking into providing a better protection model. There will always exist security vulnerabilities to exploit as codes are written by humans. But above all, it's because a human uses them that opens them up for the biggest flaws. Not only do people find it hard to follow…

Social Engineer Newsletter – Volume 2 Issue 23

Sales, Discounts and the Manipulation of People One of the goals with the Social-Engineer.Org Newsletter is to analyze what might seem like normal everyday situations and see if there is something we can learn about social engineering, or at least human psychology. This month lets think about how we purchase things with modern advertising and digital options.  If you are like most of us, you…