Social Media – Don’t Get Burned By Overexposure

Have you locked down your accounts? Malicious attackers are searching for information on social media platforms such…

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The 2017 SECTF Report

2017 proved to be a huge year for Social-Engineer. Complete with two SE Capture the Flags. This means our report this…

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Advances in Machine Learning

Back in March we talked about Adobe’s Project VoCo which could recreate someone’s speech with only twenty minutes of…

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DEF CON 25: The SEVillage Wrap-Up

Relive all the amazing moments we had at DEF CON 25! Get all the details about our three SECTF competitions and so much…

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Web Beacons for Social Engineering Reconnaissance

Web beacons embedded in pages and emails can be used as reconnaissance tools for social engineering attacks. We've got…

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Researchers Use Sound Waves to control a Smartphone (seriously) and a Car (theoretically)

Both Fitbits and smartphones have Micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometers. Is there potential for misuse…

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Children Hacking Websites

Headlines abound with stories of children hacking websites. How can you teach your kids to be safe and responsible…

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SECTF4Kids & SECTF4Teens at DEF CON 25

The SECTF4Kids is back for a 5th year and the all new SECTF4Teens is now live and waiting for you to register. Get all…

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