The Internet of Things (IoT) and Digitally Stored PII: Avoidable or Inevitable? 

The Internet of Things (IoT) is collecting personally identifiable information (PII) in massive quantities. It's time…

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The SEVillage Wrap-up from DEF CON 26

This was the SEVillage’s biggest (and arguably best) year yet. Get the wrap up and find out everything that happened in…

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Zheng’s Datang Coin Ponzi Scheme

Will you become the next cryptocurrency millionaire? After all, if an 11-year-old can do it, how difficult can it be?…

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Data Brokers: You Are Being Packaged and Sold

Data brokers view you as a commodity. You are being packaged and sold. Find out what data brokers are, what they…

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The SEVillage at Def Con 26

The competitions are prepared, the swag art is ready, the targets have been chosen, and the SECTF contestants are…

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Identity Thieves – Phishing and Pilfering Your PII

Identity fraud reached a record high in 2017 with 16.7 million U.S. victims and $16.8 billion dollars stolen. Find…

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SE At The Nation-State Level

In the current information age, it may be difficult to determine what information is real. Social engineering awareness…

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Insider Threats – Recognize and Respond to the Risk Within

Malicious insiders with privileged access create significant risk. Don't ignore insider threats. Learn to recognize and…

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SEVillage at DEF CON 26 Launches Sign Ups

It is that time of year again – DEF CON is only a mere 7 months away. It is time to start setting up for the SECTF and…

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SECTF 8 YEARS IN REVIEW (2010-2017) (SEORG) has been hosting the SECTF event for the past eight years. Join us as we look back and…

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