June 15, 2010
Social Engineering CTF Update
The awareness that has been raised is just amazing. There has been many stories written and podcasts discussing the…
June 7, 2010
Social Engineering being used by Child Predators
Predators are using MS Live Game system to attack unknowing children and use malicious social engineering to entrap…
June 1, 2010
The Social Engineering CTF – How Strong is Your Schmooze
We are inviting those of you who think you can use ethical social engineering skills to stretch your limits as a social…
May 20, 2010
Social Engineering and Facebooks Privacy Rules
Social Engineers have a field day when it comes to any social media site that is talking about security. If you read…
May 17, 2010
How To Prevent Social Engineering Attacks by Choosing the Right Security Auditor
It is logical that with all the information we release on prevention of social engineering attacks, employee deception,…
May 12, 2010
Analysis of the Lower Merion School District Remote Monitoring of Students
Social Engineer.org sent out a plea to help us analyze and decipher this large report. What we came up with was a two…
May 10, 2010
The US 2010 Census may lead to increase in Social Engineer Attacks
Even armed with this knowledge there are some things we must be aware of to avoid falling prey to a scam that can lead…
April 28, 2010
Social Engineering Toolkit Training Available Now!
Yet we get a lot of requests for tutorials and/or training on how to effectively use the tool.
April 16, 2010
SET 0.5 – Client Sides, Web Cloning and HakSaws – The Lemon Strikes Back
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) has progressed over the months thanks to the suggestions and collaboration with the…
April 14, 2010
Maltego 3 Leaked – A Social Engineers Dream
The guys at Paterva are at it again. The tool that we all know and love, Maltego, has taken massive leaps into the…