6 Preventative Tips against Malicious Social Engineering

Recently Chris was invited out to RSA to give a 60 minute speech entitled, "Human Hacking Exposed: 6 Preventative Tips…

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Social Engineering For Pentesters – Day 3

Once influence was fully understood, we worked out how we would use influence in our mock scenarios we’ve been building…

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Social Engineering For Pentesters – Day 2

Day 2 focuses on advanced preparation tactics, information gathering, pretexting and elicitation - all tools of the…

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Social Engineering Training – A New Era – Day 1

The first day is all learning about self. It is essential to truly understand who you are before you can learn to…

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What Can We Learn From Scam Artists

Hundreds fell for a scam to send in $39 for a solar powered clothes dryer - to get a piece of rope in return. Only one…

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Social-Engineer.Org in 2012 – More Growth and Exciting News

What is new... what is coming... 2012 will be the year of the Social Engineer!

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Social Engineering Yourself A BotNet

The hacktivist group Anonymous reared its head in this debate to show it’s disdain for any law that would censor or…

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Holiday Social Engineering Scrimmage

In this blog we will recap some previously explained techniques and give you handy suggestions on how you can put these…

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The Power of Nonsexual Touch

Let’s explore the role of nonsexual touch in communication and see how it can benefit the Social Engineer

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Social Engineering Poll – Endearment vs Authority

The first showed how the principle of endearment and the second story involved a social engineer employing the…

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