April 24, 2012
Too Cheap To Hire a Designer T-Shirt Contest
At SEORG we don't have design skills or money to pay a designer, so this year we are holding our first Design a T-Shirt…
April 22, 2012
Women and Social Engineering
The topic of women in the field of social engineering has been a topic of discussion for us here at SEORG for a long…
April 13, 2012
Social Engineering for Penetration Testers – Day 5
The last four days were a hardcore look at social psychology. After the students received the information and skills…
April 2, 2012
Social Engineering For Penetration Testers – Day 4
It seemed that the lack of confidence that existed in the previous days was slowly melting away. We saw the budding of…
March 29, 2012
6 Preventative Tips against Malicious Social Engineering
Recently Chris was invited out to RSA to give a 60 minute speech entitled, "Human Hacking Exposed: 6 Preventative Tips…
March 26, 2012
Social Engineering For Pentesters – Day 3
Once influence was fully understood, we worked out how we would use influence in our mock scenarios we’ve been building…
March 21, 2012
Social Engineering For Pentesters – Day 2
Day 2 focuses on advanced preparation tactics, information gathering, pretexting and elicitation - all tools of the…
March 16, 2012
Social Engineering Training – A New Era – Day 1
The first day is all learning about self. It is essential to truly understand who you are before you can learn to…
March 2, 2012
What Can We Learn From Scam Artists
Hundreds fell for a scam to send in $39 for a solar powered clothes dryer - to get a piece of rope in return. Only one…
February 2, 2012
Social-Engineer.Org in 2012 – More Growth and Exciting News
What is new... what is coming... 2012 will be the year of the Social Engineer!