One Royal Pwning

Apparently the pranksters got through with with less than perfect Brittish accents.

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Real Life and the Application of Social Engineering Part II

There is no better vision than hindsight.

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Real Life and the Application of Social Engineering Part I

Besides some awesome luck, I exploited the laziness of the overworked public employee.

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If Loose Lips Sink Ships Alcohol Is A Missile

In our 5-day course, we speak about Alcohol and how powerful it is to loosen lips and cause serious information…

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Defcon 20 Social Engineering CTF Report

This years Social-Engineer Capture the Flag at Defcon 20 was a momentous event for us and the community as a whole.

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Innocence of the Media

By now, you are all familiar with “The Innocence of Muslims”, an amateur “film” produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula,…

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DerbyCon 2012 – The Reunion and Social Engineering

Last year Derby Con took the con scheme by storm. What started as a neat idea amongst a few friends turned into what…

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Defcon 20 – What the heck just happened?

Defcon 20 proved to be one of the hardest yet most rewarding events we have been a part of since we started on our…

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Social Engineering and Weak Security Affect Apple and Amazon

If you’ve been following tech at all in the last few days, you have undoubtedly already heard that an iCloud account…

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Spearing the biggest phish

We will continue to see Social Engineering used in attacks because it is cheap and extremely effective

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