May 2, 2017
Children Hacking Websites
Headlines abound with stories of children hacking websites. How can you teach your kids to be safe and responsible…
May 1, 2017
SECTF4Kids & SECTF4Teens at DEF CON 25
The SECTF4Kids is back for a 5th year and the all new SECTF4Teens is now live and waiting for you to register. Get all…
March 26, 2017
The Rise of Machine Learning and Social Engineering Attacks
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has been in the news a lot lately. If A.I. can be taught to interact with humans in a…
March 2, 2017
Not Your Average (G.I.) Joe
Just how safe are those connected toys like CloudPets, Cayla, and Hello Barbie? As IoT becomes more commonplace in our…
February 27, 2017
I Spy With My Little EyePyramid: Siblings Phish Italy
Siblings phish Italy operating under the radar of law enforcement for nearly 7 years. Their targets included 2 former…
February 14, 2017
The DEF CON 25 SECTF LAUNCH. This is your chance to schmooze, vish, elicit, smooth-talk, and social engineer in front…
January 23, 2017
Fake It Till You Make It: Impersonation Attacks Ranging from Funny to Terrifying
A delivery man, a pest control worker, and a Florida teenager. Impersonation attacks ranging from humorous to…
December 13, 2016
Your Appliances Are On The Attack
Friday, October 21st was the day that your appliances went on the attack. A massive DDoS attack took place against Dyn…