var req; var td = null; var ret = ""; var url = ''; var counter =0; var xml = ''; var what =''; function DoCallback(data) { // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onreadystatechange = processReqChange;'POST', url, true); req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.send(data); // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') if (req) { req.onreadystatechange = processReqChange;'POST', url, true); req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.send(data); } } } function processReqChange() { // only if req shows 'loaded' if (req.readyState == 4) { // only if 'OK' if (req.status == 200) { eval(what); } else { alert('There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n' + req.responseText); } } } function clearFont() { code = wysiwyg.getHTMLContent(); code = code.replace(/])*face="([^"]*)"/gi," 0){ what = "CheckUsernameReturn(req.responseXML)"; DoCallback("w=CheckUsername" + "&Username=" + document.getElementById('Username').value ); return true; }else{ alert('Please enter a username to check its availability.'); } } function CheckLength(textarea) { var MaxLength = 500; biolen = textarea.value.length; if (biolen > MaxLength) { textarea.value = textarea.value.substr(0, MaxLength); return; } var RemainingLength = (MaxLength - biolen); limitcheck = 'You can type another ' + RemainingLength + ' characters into your biography.'; document.getElementById('biolength').innerHTML = limitcheck; } function CheckUsernameReturn(returned){ // get the status of the ajax response // our getXMLData function relies on a global variable called 'xml' // so we just put the response into that. xml = returned.documentElement; var status = getXMLData('status'); if(status == 1){ // user account was successfully create document.getElementById("UsernameCheck").innerHTML = getXMLData('message'); return true; }else{ document.getElementById("UsernameCheck").innerHTML = 'There was an error checking that username.'; return false; } } function CheckSubmitArticleForm() { if(document.getElementById("Title").value == "") { alert("Please enter an article title."); document.getElementById("Title").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Summary").value == "") { alert("Please enter a summary."); document.getElementById("Summary").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("ACategories").selectedIndex == -1) { alert("Please select a category."); document.getElementById("ACategories").focus(); return false; } return true; } function CheckSubmitBlogForm(){ if(document.getElementById("Title").value == "") { alert("Please enter a title"); document.getElementById("Title").focus(); return false; } if(wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == " " || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "
" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "
" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == " 
" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "
 ") { alert('Please enter some content for your blog post'); return false; } } function CheckSubmitArticleForm2() { atype = document.getElementById('ArticleType'); articleType = atype.options[atype.selectedIndex].value; if(document.getElementById("Title").value == "") { alert("Please enter an article title."); document.getElementById("Title").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Summary").value == "") { alert("Please enter a summary."); document.getElementById("Summary").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("ACategories").selectedIndex == -1) { alert("Please select a category."); document.getElementById("ACategories").focus(); return false; } if(articleType == 1) // full article { if(document.getElementById("PageTitle").value == "") { alert("You need to insert a both an article title and a page title."); document.getElementById("PageTitle").focus(); return false; } if(wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == " " || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "
" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == "" || wysiwyg.getHTMLContent() == " 
") { alert('Please enter some content for the article into the editor.'); return false; } } return true; } function CheckLoginForm() { if(document.getElementById("Username").value == "") { alert("Please enter your username."); document.getElementById("Username").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Password").value == "") { alert("Please enter your password."); document.getElementById("Password").focus(); return false; } return true; } function CheckAuthorForm() { if(document.getElementById("Username").value == "") { alert("Please enter your username."); document.getElementById("Username").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Password").value == "") { alert("Please enter your password."); document.getElementById("Password").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Password").value != document.getElementById("PasswordConfirm").value) { alert("Your passwords don't match."); document.getElementById("Password").focus(); document.getElementById("Password").select(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("FirstName").value == "") { alert("Please enter your first name."); document.getElementById("FirstName").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("LastName").value == "") { alert("Please enter your last name."); document.getElementById("LastName").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Email2").value == "") { alert("Please enter your email address."); document.getElementById("Email2").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Email2").value.indexOf('.') == -1 || document.getElementById("Email2").value.indexOf('@') == -1) { alert('This email address is not valid.'); document.getElementById("Email2").focus(); document.getElementById("Email2").select(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Biography").value == "") { alert("Please enter your biography."); document.getElementById("Biography").focus(); return false; } return true; } function CheckUserForm() { if(document.getElementById("Username").value == "") { alert("Please enter your username."); document.getElementById("Username").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Password").value == "") { alert("Please enter your password."); document.getElementById("Password").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Password").value != document.getElementById("PasswordConfirm").value) { alert("Your passwords don't match."); document.getElementById("Password").focus(); document.getElementById("Password").select(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("FirstName").value == "") { alert("Please enter your first name."); document.getElementById("FirstName").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("LastName").value == "") { alert("Please enter your last name."); document.getElementById("LastName").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Email2").value == "") { alert("Please enter your email address."); document.getElementById("Email2").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("Email2").value.indexOf('.') == -1 || document.getElementById("Email2").value.indexOf('@') == -1) { alert('This email address is not valid.'); document.getElementById("Email2").focus(); document.getElementById("Email2").select(); return false; } return true; } function UserAccountReturn(returned){ // get the status of the ajax response // our getXMLData function relies on a global variable called 'xml' // so we just put the response into that. xml = returned.documentElement; var status = getXMLData('status'); if(status == 1){ // user account was successfully create document.getElementById("custom").value = getXMLData('usertoken'); document.getElementById("UserForm").submit(); return true; }else{ var message = getXMLData('message'); alert(message); return false; } } function isdefined(variable) { return eval('(typeof('+variable+') != "undefined");'); } function getXMLData(name){ // we rely on a global variable called 'xml' if(isdefined('xml')){ return xml.getElementsByTagName(name)[0]; }else{ return ''; } } function emailToFriend(ArticleLink) { var t = (screen.availHeight/2) - (485/2); var l = (screen.availWidth/2) - (605/2); var emailWin ="/articleemail", "emailWin", "scrollbars=yes,toolbar=1,statusbar=0,width=605,height=485,top="+t+",left="+l); } function CheckArticleCommentForm() { if(document.getElementById('ArticleRating_3')){ var sel = false; var ok = false; for(i = 1; i < 6; i++) { eval("sel = document.getElementById('ArticleRating_"+i+"').checked;"); if(sel) ok = true; } if(!ok){ alert("Please select a rating for this article."); return false; } } if(document.getElementById('ArticleComment')){ if(document.getElementById('ArticleComment').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter a comment.'); return false; } } if('1' == '1'){ if(document.getElementById('FromEmail').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter your email address. It will not be published anywhere on the site.'); return false; } } if('1' == '1'){ if(document.getElementById('FromName').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter your name.'); return false; } } return true; } function CheckBlogCommentForm() { if(document.getElementById('ArticleComment')){ if(document.getElementById('ArticleComment').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter a comment.'); return false; } } if('1' == '1'){ if(document.getElementById('FromEmail').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter your email address. It will not be published anywhere on the site.'); return false; } } if('1' == '1'){ if(document.getElementById('FromName').value.length < 3){ alert('Please enter your name.'); return false; } } return true; } function CheckArticleCommentForm1() { var sel = false; var ok = false; for(i = 1; i < 6; i++) { eval("sel = document.getElementById('ArticleRating_"+i+"').checked;"); if(sel) ok = true; } if(ok) { if(document.getElementById("addCommentBox").checked == 1){ if(document.getElementById("ArticleComment").value == "") { alert("Please enter a comment."); document.getElementById("ArticleComment").focus(); return false; } else { return true; } } } else { alert("Please select a rating for this article."); return false; } } function CheckArticleCommentForm2() { var sel = false; var ok = false; if(document.getElementById("ArticleComment").value == "") { alert("Please enter a comment."); document.getElementById("addCommentBox").checked = true; swapComment(); document.getElementById("ArticleComment").focus(); return false; } else { return true; } } function CheckEmailForm(frm) { if(frm.YourName.value == "") { alert("Please enter your name."); frm.YourName.focus(); return false; } if(frm.YourEmail.value == "") { alert("Please enter your email address."); frm.YourEmail.focus(); return false; } if(frm.YourEmail.value.indexOf(".") == -1 || frm.YourEmail.value.indexOf("@") == -1) { alert("Your email address is invalid."); frm.YourEmail.focus(); return false; } if(frm.FriendsName.value == "") { alert("Please enter your friend\'s name."); frm.FriendsName.focus(); return false; } if(frm.FriendsEmail.value == "") { alert("Please enter your friend\'s email address."); frm.FriendsEmail.focus(); return false; } if(frm.FriendsEmail.value.indexOf(".") == -1 || frm.FriendsEmail.value.indexOf("@") == -1) { alert("Your friend\'s email address is invalid."); frm.FriendsEmail.focus(); return false; } frm.Message.disabled = false; return true; } function CheckEditArticleForm() { } var CurrentReplyBox = 0; function ReplyToComment(id){ if(id > 0){ if(CurrentReplyBox == 0){ // we're moving from the default position to a comment document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+id).innerHTML = document.getElementById('SubmitCommentForm').innerHTML; $('#ReplyToComment'+id).show("normal"); $('#SubmitCommentForm').hide("normal"); document.getElementById('SubmitCommentForm').innerHTML = ''; // document.getElementById('commentReplyRow').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('ReplyToCommentLink'+id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('CancelReplyLink'+id).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('CommentParentID').value = id; } else { // we're moving from one comment to another document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+id).innerHTML = document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).innerHTML; $('#ReplyToComment'+id).show("normal"); $('#ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).hide("normal"); document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).innerHTML = ''; //document.getElementById('commentReplyRow').style.display = ''; document.getElementById('ReplyToCommentLink'+CurrentReplyBox).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('CancelReplyLink'+CurrentReplyBox).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('ReplyToCommentLink'+id).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('CancelReplyLink'+id).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('CommentParentID').value = id; } } else { // we are cancelling a reply document.getElementById('SubmitCommentForm').innerHTML = document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).innerHTML; $('#SubmitCommentForm').show("slow"); $('#ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).hide("slow"); document.getElementById('ReplyToComment'+CurrentReplyBox).innerHTML = ''; //document.getElementById('commentReplyRow').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('ReplyToCommentLink'+CurrentReplyBox).style.display = ''; document.getElementById('CancelReplyLink'+CurrentReplyBox).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('CommentParentID').value = 0; } CurrentReplyBox = id; } function LoadUploadedImage(){ var FeatureImageThumbnailName = document.getElementById('FeatureImageThumbnailName').value; var FeatureImageName = document.getElementById('FeatureImageName').value; document.getElementById('FeatureImageFrame').src = ''; document.getElementById('FeatureImageFrame').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('FeatureImagePreview').src = ''+FeatureImageThumbnailName; document.getElementById('FullImageLink').href = ''+FeatureImageName; document.getElementById('FeatureImageOptions').style.display = ''; } function ArticleImageToggle(onlyEnabled){ var list = new Array; list[0] = 'artimage_url_row'; list[1] = 'artimage_file_row'; if(onlyEnabled == 'artimage_file_row'){ document.getElementById('FeatureImageFrame').style.display = ''; } if(onlyEnabled == 'artimage_file_row1'){ document.getElementById('FeatureImageFrame').style.display = 'none'; onlyEnabled = 'artimage_file_row'; } for(i=0;i