Twitter Connection to Home Robbery

Posted on June 2, 2009
Filed Under Social Networking, Twitter | 4 Comments

Last week there was a break in at a Mesa, Arizona home. The twist to the story is that there is a possible Twitter connection. The owners left town for a vacation and tweeted about their journey and plans.  A few days later there was a break in. Coincidence? I think not. Watch the local ABC 15 News video for background:

There are a few things to learn from this unfortunate incident as more and more jump on Twitter. I guess the main thing to learn is that you should not disclose your location and exact whereabouts.  Here is a link to a great list of some additional Twitter do’s and dont’s.


4 Responses to “Twitter Connection to Home Robbery”

  1. My Journey (1 comments.) on June 9th, 2009 12:40 pm

    Thanks so much for an informative post on the possible dangers of Twitter. As with all social media it is prudent to not disclose too much especially regarding personal issues. You really never know who is reading your tweets.

  2. Shailesh Ghimire on June 9th, 2009 3:58 pm

    I agree with you. I think we have to be wise in the way we share our information such as location, whereabouts and plans etc. You just never know.

  3. *~ nom nom nom! ~* - Please Rob Me on February 18th, 2010 12:23 am
  4. Jake Gomez (1 comments.) on February 20th, 2010 11:30 pm

    i always update my Twitter and i love to twitter my daily activities to my friends and loved ones. i also maintain a personal blog for entries which requires more detail.

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